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When it comes to meeting needs, the quicker the better. Hungry stomachs, toothaches, and ripped clothing can’t wait; especially when weather is a factor.

That’s why we love our school clothing closets. They are on-site, stocked, and ready for students before they even know they need it.

And that’s exactly what the goal is = to empower schools and kids.

Care to Learn has empowered SPS staff to support our students as soon as a need arises.

- Dr. Grenita Lathan, Superintendent Springfield Public School District

Care to Learn recently partnered with Springfield Public Schools to open additional clothing closets (now totaling 43) throughout the district. Many of our other partnering districts with Chapters throughout Missouri also have a form of a clothing closet for students, too.

Currently, SPS closets include brand-new essential clothing and hygiene products for students:

  • Long sleeve t-shirts and short sleeve t-shirts

  • Hoodies

  • Sweatpants

  • Shorts

  • Belts

  • Leggings

  • Underwear

  • Socks

  • Deodorant

  • Shampoo and conditioner

  • Body wash

  • Hair brushes and combs

  • Hair ties

  • Laundry kits

  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste

  • Feminine hygiene products

Nurse Katie standing in front of a Care to Learn clothing closet filled with brightly colored bins
Nurse Katie Pickering stands in front of her Mann Elementary Clothing Closet

Other clothing closets have more additional options for students based on community donations received. These might include jackets, shoes, and other seasonal gear to help students. 

neatly folded t-shirts, sweatpants, leggings, socks and underwear aligned in rows on the floor
Clothing Closets Are Stocked with Seasonal and Year-Round Essentials

Cold weather items are especially important as the months gets chilly and students come to school unprepared for subzero temperatures (Care to Learn also offers vouchers for students needing additional care beyond what can be provided immediately).

So what does a clothing closet look like? Let’s take a peek:

Nurse Brook Turner standing in front of a Care to Learn clothing closet filled with brightly colored bins
Nurse Brooke Turner with her Pleasant View Clothing Closet

If you have helped volunteer to stock our clothing closets, thank you! 

Locally, the Springfield Public Schools Clothing Closets have been a wonderful way for the community to support local students. Businesses and organizations have collected coats, winter clothes and accessories, shoes, socks, underwear, and hygiene items that have been distributed to students through the Care to Learn Clothing Closet.

Help Stock Our Clothing Closets

If you would like to volunteer to help stock clothing closets in Springfield, you can sign up by emailing or by filling out our Contact Form.

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