Chapter Information
Care to Learn - Mountain Grove was established in 2015 as the 24th Care to Learn Chapter. It currently serves students in partnership with the Mountain Grove R-III School District.
In addition to filling health, hunger, and hygiene needs, the Care to Learn - Mountain Grove provides a weekend backpack program for an average of 20 students weekly.
They are thankful to be able to support so many students by partnering with several generous organizations in the community.
Key Facts
Care to Learn - Mountain Grove
$45,172.42 = Total Amount Spent to Meet Students’ Needs
22,333 = Total Number of Student Needs Met
$2.02 = Average Cost to Meet A Student’s Need
Chapter Leadership
Shawna Gruben
Shawna is one of the Chapter Liaisons for the Care to Learn - Mountain Grove Chapter. She also serves as a Director of Special Programs for the Mountain Grove R-III School District.
As a Liaison for the Mountain Grove Chapter, Leslie works within the Mountain Grove R-III School District to ensure students’ basic needs are being met and to raise funds to ensure Care to Learn – Mountain Grove continues its mission.
Shawna loves Care to Learn. When asked one of her most impactful memories, she shared, “Helping high school students because you can truly see their gratitude.”
Kayla Clinton
School Nurse
Kayla is one of the Chapter Liaisons for the Care to Learn - Mountain Grove Chapter. She also serves as a School Nurse for the Mountain Grove R-III School District.
As a Liaison for the Mountain Grove Chapter, Kayla works within the Mountain Grove R-III School District to ensure students’ basic needs are being met and to raise funds to ensure Care to Learn – Mountain Grove continues its mission.
Meeting the Need
Care to Learn - Mountain Grove works with the Mountain Grove R-III School District to fill these health, hunger, and hygiene needs for students:
Doctor appointments
Dental care
Eye exam and glasses
Hearing services/equipment
Mental health services
Pest control services
Prescription assistance
Weekend food bags (Pre K – 6th)
Food pantry (7th – 12th)
Classroom snacks
Grocery vouchers
Clothing/Shoe voucher
Feminine products
Lice treatments
Laundry detergent
Laundry vouchers
Household cleaning supplies
Be a Helping Hand
Everyone has the power to be a Helping Hand. When you lend a hand, you are helping students all across Missouri access the critical health, hunger, and hygiene resources they need to succeed in school.